Receive a Free Assessment
In order to qualify for the Disability Tax Credit, you must have a “marked restriction” in one of eight categories, a cumulative “marked restriction” from two or more of the eight categories, or require a minimum number of hours of life-sustaining therapy.
For a short list of some qualifying disabilities, please visit our List of Conditions page.
You are unable to walk on your own, or it takes you 3 times longer than someone of similar age who does not have the impairment.
You are unable to dress yourself, or it takes you 3 times longer than someone of similar age who does not have the impairment.
Mental Functions
You are unable to perform mental functions necessary for everyday life, or it takes you 3 times longer than someone of similar age who does not have the impairment.
You have at least 1 of the following in both eyes even after correction: 1) Your visual acuity is 20/200 (6/60) or less on an eye chart (Snellen or an equivalent) OR 2) Your field of vision is 20 degrees or less
You are unable to hear so as to understand spoken conversation with a familiar person in a quiet setting, or it takes you 3 times longer than someone of similar age who does not have the impairment.
You are unable to speak so as to be understood by a familiar person in a quiet setting, or it takes you 3 times longer than someone of similar age who does not have the impairment.
You are unable to prepare your food or feed yourself, or it takes you 3 times longer than someone of similar age who does not have the impairment.
You are unable to personally manage bowel or bladder functions, or it takes you 3 times longer than someone of similar age who does not have the impairment.
Life-Sustaining Therapy
Your therapy is needed to support a vital function and may include dialysis, insulin therapy, oxygen therapy or chest physiotherapy. Your therapy is needed at least 2 times per week and for an average of at least 14 hours per week, taking time away from everyday activities.